Framed by the hills of Umbria is one of the most well-preserved medieval towns in the world. Assisi is the birthplace of one of the most venerated saints of Catholicism, Saint Francis. What impressed me the most about Assisi though was how much it feels like you’re stepping back into another time. I honestly always relate it to feeling like I’m in a Lord of The Rings film when walking up to the Basilica of Saint Francis. The ramparts and sprawling views are honestly huge and really impressive.
Assisi, Italy
The Façade Upon The Mount
Assisi, Italy
Pilgrims and travelers alike visit from all over the world – many of them walking great distances via ‘The Way of St Francis’ or ‘La Via Di Francesco”, which is a route that starts in Florence, goes to Rome, and finally ends in Assisi. Of course most people take their car, bus, or train – the train is my preferred method of travelling to Assisi since it’s also such a close distance to Perugia, which is another popular destination in the area.

Its architecture of Assisi is as magic as the surrounding landscapes, and the medieval environment fills the town with a cozy vibe. The Abbey of St. Peters is one of the sites you must see as you can appreciate its architecture framed by the cute typical houses of the region. What might surprise most visitors is that the Cathedral is not the the church you may expect – which most people think is St. Francis itself. To spot the San Rufino Cathedral with its imposing bell tower and its bluish dome, you actually need to enter further up the town to find it.
Abbey of St. Peter
Assisi, Italy
San Rufino
Assisi, Italy
If you ever spend the night in Assisi you’ll be able to experience the beautifully lighted path of the pilgrims and the stunning lights of the Basilica. A Night in Assisi is one of the prints that shows the Basilica covered in a golden tone that combines wonderfully with the blue sky of the late afternoon.
A Night In Assisi
Assisi, Italy
If you have the time (and the energy) be sure to not miss the absolutely stunning views of the town and the surrounding valley from Rocco Maggiore – which is the fortress on top of the hill. My recommendation would be to go at Sunrise or Sunset – you won’t regret it 🙂
I hope you enjoyed my new prints and that I was able to transmit at least a small piece of what Assisi made me feel. If you want to take a closer look to the photos, they are already available on my store! Also, if you haven’t done it yet follow me on social media! Thank you so much for your time, and for supporting artists around the world. I hope to hear from all of you soon!
<3 Scott
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