Category Archives: Of Lens & Mind

Photography, and the Art of Finding Beauty in Unexpected Places

Scott Allen Wilson photographer

I’ve learned something over the years as a photographer—not just as someone who clicks a shutter but seeing the world that extends beyond my camera. It’s a subtle skill that has nothing to do with gear or technique and/or or perfect symmetry. Sure, composition, light, and timing matter. It’s about training my mind to recognize beauty everywhere, even in the places others might overlook.

Architecture Through My Eyes

Portrait of Photographer Scott Allen Wilson taking a photography in Siena, Italy

If you ever go through my social media posts, you’ll clearly see my passion for architectural photography. You may have read through my thoughts in the captions – which sometimes appear to be just random ideas, but the truth is that there is something about capturing these artistic images of architecture that inspire me to share my thoughts- not only capturing moments or aesthetic scenes, but capturing feelings, emotions, memories, energies; there’s just something about architecture that inspires me.