Crowded streets, noisy traffic, and amazing food are just a few ways to describe one of my favorite cities in Italy. Sure, Naples may sound a bit overwhelming, but every time I go back I find myself filled with life and energy. No matter how many times I’ve walked through the narrow chaotic streets, it always feels like Naples has endless ways of amazing me. Besides, I could travel there just for the sake of having the best pizza and coffee in the world – amongst various other Napolitano delicacies. Something I’ve discovered throughout my travels is that when you visit a place for the first time, your brain is overstimulated. You pay little attention to the minutia and smaller details because it’s the bigger picture that steals your focus. That’s why I keep traveling back to cities like Naples over and over again so I can really be intentional with the things I experience, and have deeper understanding and connection with the city and the local culture. On this particular trip, I was able to shoot with more intentionality – resulting in meaningful works of art that can reveal a city beyond the chaos that we’d all expect to see.

As an architecture photographer I look for straightness, balance, and symmetry – but Naples has its own way of graceful attractiveness. It challenges me to find beauty in chaos, and the spirit of a city that yells “I do things my way”, fills my prints with a unique personality. A Glimpse of Hope, Dov’è Wally and Sorbet, among other prints in my collection, reflect this charming mess with vibrant colors that brighten every room.
A Glimpse of Hope
The Christmas Alley is a street loaded with sculptures and small art pieces of the nativity scene. You can be there for hours staring at every detail.
Dov’è Wally
Dov’è Wally actually translates as Where’s Waldo? If you’ve played with that book before, then you get the feeling of this overview of Naples.
The pastel colors of the building combined with vivid bright colors of hanging clothes can give an environment a cozy and trendy vibe!
As I wandered through the city’s alleys and got lost in the most random locations, I encountered drastic weather and lighting that contributed to embellishing my shots. The first thing you see in Naples Overlook is the city darkened by a cloudy sky and a foggy horizon, but a ray of bright sunlight breaks through the clouds changing the mood of the picture. In another way, Shadow Games is an example of how a special kind of lighting can affect a photo and provide more meaning to it. What seems to be a pretty ordinary building – not precisely one I would’ve considered artistic before – turned into an interesting scene as a source of light coming from the left hit the balconies causing an amazing shadow game that provides dynamism and movement to the print.
Shadow Games
Naples, Italy
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Naples Overlook
Naples, Italy

I’ve mentioned chaos quite a bit, but not everything in Naples is characterized by its disorganized beauty. I was also able to capture those exemplary architectural pieces like the Galleria Umberto I, which you may have already seen in my previous Naples prints. I revisited this amazing place and was able to capture some additional unique views of the perfect symmetry that always dazzles me – and the result was a couple of distinctive prints that can give a touch of classic elegance to a room. I also found the time to focus on some other masterpieces like the Real Teatro Di San Charlo and the fortress of Castel Sant’Elmo, which offer pleasant geometrical patterns and straight lines.
Galleria Umberto I, Naples
A Safe Place
Castel Sant’Elmo, Naples
Real Teatro Di San Charlo
Naples, Italy
Finally, if you’ve ever gone to Naples you’ve probably seen the Toledo monument or the Salvo D’Acquisto monument, which have a minimalist style that I could not let go of this time. So in my search for unconventional beauty, I tried to capture a more abstract view of both monuments that I think would be perfect to decorate modern spaces.
Design Inspiration, Naples
Salvo D’Aqcuisto
Design Inspiration, Naples
If you love Naples, I encourage you to take a look at my full Naples collection and I really hope you find a piece of art that you love. If you’ve already visited the city, I encourage you to visit again and I hope these shots have inspired. you to take a deeper look into what Naples has to offer. If you have any questions or comments please let me know your thoughts in the comments below 🙂
<3 Scott
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