Our brain receives instant information from all of our senses – and the world we live in today is designed as an endless source that provides information in faster and faster ways. Nowadays, being overly reactive and overwhelmed seems like our natural human state, which makes being fully present and aware a difficult activity. If you find it hard to sit up straight with your legs crossed, and set your mind blank, I feel you! However, mindfulness and meditation doesn’t necessarily need to be done in the traditional way. You can always find an activity that helps you unplug, and bring you to the “here” and “now”. If you are not sure of what I mean, keep reading

Photography is not only my passion, it’s a form of mindfulness, and presence. It forces me to focus on every detail of the scene before me, and to breathe deeply before I click the shutter. I invest a lot of time and attention into my photos, and I care how my thoughts and emotions are portrayed in each capture– because my ultimate objective is for the viewer to step into my mind, and feel the raw impact of each photo.
Being a photographer enriches my soul, and provides me with the opportunity for growth and patience. When I’m out shooting I’m not thinking about anything else other than being creative, exploring, and immersing myself into new cultures. That’s why architecture photography prevails in my work. If you read my previous blog (Architecture Through My Eyes), you may already know this. We don’t often pay attention to details, but when trying to capture a building, a church or a monument, I breathe deeply and take my time to frame the image in a symmetric way, aligning and balancing it, until I get the perfect shot. Without even realizing, I’ve been fully aware for a while – paying careful attention to my surroundings, sharpening my eyes, and becoming fully conscious of my breath.
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This is one of the reasons why I also love shooting in full manual- Every setting I choose to shoot with in any given moment, is chosen with intention for that specific shot. Shooting in full manual also requires a full presence in what you’re doing – you have to be in tune with your environment, your surroundings – the subjects you’re focusing on, as well as the changes in light. The amazing thing, is that all of these are just the things you need to be present of mind for that have to do with the mechanical decisions you’re going to make for your camera, but not as much to do with your framing and creative composition which is, in my mind, a separate and equally important thing to consider in each moment while you’re shooting.

It doesn’t matter the hobby or passion you have. Any activity that you love can have your full attention – and therefore, you’re already practicing a form of mindfulness.
I hope these thoughts were useful, and if you enjoyed the reading, you can always leave a comment letting me know your thoughts 🙂 If you’re curious about my work, please come take a look at my shop. I hope you find something that fits your environment perfectly!
Also, if you haven’t done it yet follow me on social media. If you like what you see you can help me out by leaving reviews on Google, Facebook and on products you can purchase in my store. Please also remember that you can always contact me through my site, or reach out on social media for feedback, or even to say hi! Thank you so much for your time, and for supporting artists around the world. I hope to hear from all of you soon! <3 Scott