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Ye Olde Palace

A sense of subtle, yet raw power is transmitted in this photograph by Photographer and Digital Artist Scott Allen Wilson. The composition of the image allows us to sink into the various patterns of Florence’s iconic architecture. This black and white artistic piece captures the Palazzo Vecchio, from its closest view to the tip of the tower inspiring greatness at first sight. The print has been realized on panchromatic Ilford B&W paper and has been mounted with a bright white passe-partout.The mounted print is displayed underneath a matte float glass, and surrounded by a beautiful ebony solid wood frame. Every element of this piece was individually selected with intention as being a part of a unified piece of art.

The objective of this print is to portray the majestic energy of the architecture in Florence, Italy. I hope you love it 🙂

Like what you see? Be sure to scroll down to see a 3D video of Ye Olde Palace ?

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Estimated Shipping Date 2025/04/06

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Thoughts and Ponderings aboutYe Olde Palace

The old man watches over us as we drift from here to there
The young are the tides, as the old remain in his shadow
For those who love a toll shall be heard-
a bell for all who will listen.
Don’t forget me he says,
as the sun sets once more-
the city shining bright in his image.

Check out these blogs about Florence:

The Magical City of Florence – My New Collection

The Art of Feeling Inspired – An Expanded Florence Collection


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