What I’ve been feeling and doing during the pandemic- especially during the first half of 2021 in Florence, Italy.

What I’ve been feeling and doing during the pandemic- especially during the first half of 2021 in Florence, Italy.
Banksy and I head to the Dolomites for our first trip together. My furry Valentines Day date -how romantic ;D
It’s such an amazing feeling being able to visit a place like Cinque Terre for the first time – and for me visiting a second time was even more rewarding than the first. I think part of the reason is because I didn’t feel as rushed to try to see everything I could like I did last time, and this time I was also able to visit with my Brother, Sister and my Dad
When I got an invite to visit Cinque Terre for Ferragosto with two of my best friends – who was I to refuse? I had never been to Cinque Terre before, and not having visited this famous place for as long as I’ve lived here – It just felt long overdue.