Walking up the ramparts to visit the Basilica of St. Francis feels like you’re walking through the film set for a Lord of The Rings film.

Walking up the ramparts to visit the Basilica of St. Francis feels like you’re walking through the film set for a Lord of The Rings film.
This blog post is about re-kindling inspiration – about giving yourself the opportunity to slow down, take a spin, and feel inspired over and over again. The result of me doing this recently inspired these new additions to my Florence Collection – photos that I’m so excited about, and that have been a long time coming. I hope you enjoy them ?
The weather is nice, and the lighting is perfect. Your mind is already framing the beautiful scene you have before you, and your hand is about to bring the lens towards your eye. Next thing you know….
If you haven’t been to Rome, I hope I’ll be able to take you there, even for a moment. If you’ve been there before, I hope I can help you relive your greatest memories of La Grande Bellezza.
The first time I came to visit Parma was probably in 2013. Parma was high on the list at the time, because one of my favorite things to eat is Prosciutto di Parma, which is a very famous type of cured ham that is made there.
It’s every photographer’s dream to have their photos become finished works of art. To know that something you’ve made is up on someone’s wall, in a book, or in a gallery – it’s an extraordinary feeling of accomplishment. When you create art, the art becomes an extension of yourself. It speaks for you, tells your story, and reflects your professionalism…
This trip Gaby and I brought our two dogs with us, and we also came with her parents. I also feel like I’ve grown a lot as a person since the pandemic started, and I’m so thankful that I can truly be this new and improved version of myself with Gaby, but also with her parents that I feel really accept me and enjoy my company.
During my last trip to Lago Di Garda with my girlfriend and her parents – truth be told we got lucky. If it wasn’t for my experience as a traveller, mixed with a stroke of luck -what ended up being a pleasant day could have been a lot less…eventful.
Watch me walk through my post-production process from color correction to prepping for print. Let me know if you learn something, and if you’d like to see more content like this!
Get ready to dive into ‘What’s in my bag’ to get useful recommendations regarding brands, and some of my favorite gear and accessories.