It’s not often that I’m in this part of southern Lazio, and I honestly wish that I could be. Lazio is a region in the center of Italy, which is where Rome is located. Something that people often don’t realize about Lazio is that there are beaches there as well. Sperlonga is one such beach town that makes you feels like you’re stepping into a seaside dream – or at least a getaway to paradise from the landlocked life di entroterra. Immediately upon arrival you feel like you’re in a beach town – there’s no mistaking it. Life is slower, the colors of the buildings are lighter- the sand toys and sunscreen towers present at all the local shops. Definitely a place I would recommend if looking to experience the Italian dolce vita.

Something that I immediately noticed upon arriving on this particular trip is that no one was wearing masks. Coming from Florence, this is still a bit of a shock because of the restrictions still being enforced there. Feels like a weird breath of fresh air, or not to be honest- (no pun intended).

I think Sperlonga can really be separated into two parts since it’s a hilltown. The first is the town upon the hill, and the second part is the beach. I say it could be split into two because not everyone who visits the beach is going to climb the hill to visit the town, and not everyone that goes to the town is going to go down to the beach. It’s not like visiting a town with a beach – it’s more like visiting a nice hilltown, which just so happens to be on the sea.
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While the town is pretty small, I think it’s definitely worth checking out and navigating through the small white streets and plazas. You can’t help but feel like there must have been Greek influence as the whole experience is very reminiscent of scenes from the Greek isles, but with its own Italian style. Getting an aperitivo there for a spectacular sunset view is truly a special experience, and if you have the means and time available to visit Sperlonga you will enjoy amazing activities such as the ruins of the Tiberius’s Palace and the Archeological Museum. As for me, I’m just honestly so grateful for being able to feel like I have a mini escape from the stress of the pandemic – even if just for the day.